Aircraft Su-30 MK

Negotiations with India to supply Su-27 type fighters started in 1994. The Design Bureau commenced work to develop a Su-30-based plane for India's Air Force in 1995. A.F. Barkovsky was appointed chief designer of the project. On 30th November 1996 an intergovernmental agreement was made for phased development and delivery to India of 8 Su-30K two-seat fighters and 32 Su-30MKI multi-role two-seat fighters. The planes were scheduled for delivery in several consignments, with gradual enhancement of avionics, powerplant and weapons. The general contractors, according to a government resolution, were:
- for aeroplane development: Sukhoi Design Bureau OJSC (now JSC), 
- for aeroplane production: Irkutsk Aircraft Production Association (IAPA, now Irkut Corporation).
Two prototypes were built by the Design Bureau in 1995-1998. The first prototype, Su-30I-1, was based on the Su-30 production version, the prototype completed in the spring of 1997. The first flight was performed by test pilot V.Yu. Averyanov on 1st July 1997. In July 1997, the Design Bureau launched a programme to test the plane jointly with SPFC of the Air Forces.
The aircraft has been in production in Irkutsk since 2000. The first pre-production plane was flight tested at the plant by V.Yu. Averyanov on 26th November 2000. The first three pre-production Su-30MKIs were handed over to the Design Bureau and have been used along with prototypes in the joint-testing programme with SPFC of Air Forces.
In accordance with the terms of the contract, the Su-30MKI planes were to be tested and delivered in 3 stages. The first delivery of 10 Su-30MKIs to the Customer took place in 2002; the second batch of 12 aeroplanes, in 2003. By 2004, the Su-30K and Su-30MKI planes had been put into service with two squadrons of India's Air Force.
The Su-30MKI’s distinctive features: 
- for the first time in the world, a production aircraft has an engine with thrust vector control (AL-31FP, developed by the RDC named after A. Lyulka), and a remote control system integrated into a single control loop. Taken together, this renders the Su-30MKI extremely manoeuvrable; 
- for the first time in the Design Bureau's history, a plane features a large-scale integration of avionics systems of foreign and domestic origin. The Su-30MKI has an "international" avionics portfolio, including as it does systems and units made by 14 foreign firms from 6 countries of the world. 
- For the first time in the world, a production plane has a radar with PAA ("Bars" developed by the Scientific Research Institute of Instrumentation Technology). Moreover, the plane has a new ejection seat, the K-36D-3.5, and a number of other innovative systems of domestic origin. 
- The ADO line-up has been significantly upgraded with the addition of the RVV-AYe air-to-air guided missile, Kh-29L/T/TYe, Kh-31A/P, Kh-59M air-to-ground missiles, and KAB-500 and KAB-1500 guided bombs.
The Su-30MKI programme has for the first time in Russian history showcased a new model for military-technical cooperation incorporating all types of long-term cooperation currently practised in the world such as:
- delivery of the first consignment of products in the baseline version (Su-30K), 
- joint R&D to produce an upgraded version (Su-30MKI), 
- granting the customer a licence to manufacture with subsequent replacement of Russian-made components with those of foreign origin (in December 2000, a contract was signed to sell to India a licence to manufacture 140 Su-30MKI planes of the final delivery group), 
- upgrading of the planes from the first deliveries to the technical status of the final delivery group, 
- setting up of a joint technical service centre for aftersales maintenance of the equipment supplied, 
- using the «export beachhead» to expand into the regional market (in 2003, a contract was made to supply Su-30MKM planes to Malaysia).
The Design Bureau started work to produce a Su-30-based two-seat attack aircraft designated Su-30MKK for China's Air Forces in 1997, A.I. Knyshev having been appointed chief designer of the project. Under the contract, the Komsomolsk-on-Amur production plant (KnAAPO) was named as the general contractor. The Design Bureau produced a detailed design in 1997-98; the prototype planes were made in Komsomolsk-on-Amur in 1998-99. The new version of the two-seater was based to a great extent on the design solutions adopted for the Su-27SK and the single-seat fighter Su-27M. As a result, the Su-30MKK incorporated, for all intents and purposes without any redesign, the Su-27M's centre wing section, wing panels, air intakes, tail beams, fins and landing gear and the Su-27SK's tail-end fuselage assemblies. This way, the design scope was reduced dramatically, without any new components required for building the aircraft except for the nose. Besides, the production plant had already gained experience in setting up production of a two-seat trainer at the beginning of the '80s.
The first prototype was built in the spring of 1999, the Su-30MKK-1 having been taken off the ground for its maiden flight on 20th May 1999 by test pilots I.Ye. Solovyov (Design Bureau) and A.V. Pulenko (KnAAPO). The first four pre-production planes were handed over to the Design Bureau for testing. The testing was conducted jointly with SPFC of the Air Forces in 1999-2001, with the first 10 production Su-30MKK planes delivered to the customer in December 2000.
Su-30MKK design highlights:
- The plane features upgraded equipment of Russian manufacture, which includes a new version of radar with target designation and mapping capabilities; OSTS with target illumination using a laser beam; a GPS system, and a coloured multi-function LCDs in the cockpit, etc.; 
- The ADO line-up has been upgraded with the addition of RVV-AYe air-to-air guided missile; Kh-29L/T/TYe, Kh-31P, Kh-59M air-to-ground missiles; and KAB-500 and KAB-1500 guided bombs. The Su-30MKK has been used as a platform to produce an upgraded version, the Su-30MK2, which differs from the parent version in its weapons and equipment systems configuration; planes of this type were been supplied to China in 2003. In addition, Su-30MK type aeroplanes were supplied to Indonesia in 2003. 

Negosiasi dengan India untuk memasok Su-27 pejuang ketik dimulai pada tahun 1994. Biro Desain mulai bekerja untuk mengembangkan pesawat Su-30-berbasis Angkatan Udara India pada tahun 1995. AF Barkovsky diangkat kepala perancang proyek. Pada 30 November 1996 perjanjian antar pemerintah dibuat untuk pembangunan bertahap dan pengiriman ke India dari 8 Su-30K dua-kursi pesawat tempur dan 32 Su-30MKI multi-peran dua kursi pejuang. Pesawat dijadwalkan untuk pengiriman di beberapa kiriman, dengan peningkatan bertahap avionik, powerplant dan senjata. Kontraktor umum, menurut resolusi pemerintah, adalah:- Untuk pengembangan pesawat: Biro Desain Sukhoi OJSC (sekarang JSC),- Untuk produksi pesawat: Irkutsk Aircraft Production Association (IAPA, sekarang Irkut Corporation).Dua prototipe dibangun oleh Biro Desain pada 1995-1998. Prototipe pertama, Su-30ï-1, didasarkan pada versi produksi Su-30, prototipe selesai pada musim semi 1997. Penerbangan pertama dilakukan oleh pilot uji V.Yu. Averyanov pada 1 Juli 1997. Pada bulan Juli 1997, Biro Desain meluncurkan program untuk menguji pesawat bersama-sama dengan SPFC dari Angkatan Udara.Pesawat ini telah di produksi di Irkutsk sejak tahun 2000. Pesawat pra-produksi pertama penerbangan diuji di pabrik dengan V.Yu. Averyanov pada 26 November 2000. Tiga pertama pra-produksi Su-30MKIs diserahkan ke Biro Desain dan telah digunakan bersama dengan prototip dalam program bersama-pengujian dengan SPFC dari Angkatan Udara.Sesuai dengan ketentuan kontrak, Su-30MKI pesawat itu harus diuji dan dikirimkan dalam 3 tahap. Pengiriman pertama 10 Su-30MKIs kepada Nasabah terjadi pada tahun 2002, batch kedua dari 12 pesawat terbang, pada tahun 2003. Pada tahun 2004, pesawat-pesawat Su-30K dan Su-30MKI telah dimasukkan ke dalam layanan dengan dua skuadron Angkatan Udara India.Su-30MKI yang khas fitur:- Untuk pertama kalinya di dunia, sebuah pesawat produksi mesin dengan daya dorong vektor kontrol (AL-31FP, yang dikembangkan oleh RDC dinamai A. Lyulka), dan sistem remote control terintegrasi ke loop kendali tunggal. Secara bersama-sama, hal ini membuat Su-30MKI sangat bermanuver;- Untuk pertama kalinya dalam sejarah Biro Design, pesawat beberapa fitur integrasi skala besar sistem avionik asal luar negeri dan domestik. Su-30MKI memiliki "internasional" portofolio avionik, termasuk seperti halnya sistem dan unit yang dibuat oleh 14 perusahaan asing dari 6 negara di dunia.- Untuk pertama kalinya di dunia, pesawat produksi memiliki radar dengan PAA ("Bar" yang dikembangkan oleh Institut Penelitian Ilmiah Teknologi Instrumentasi). Selain itu, pesawat memiliki kursi ejeksi baru, K-36D-3.5, dan sejumlah sistem inovatif lainnya asal negeri.- ADO line-up telah secara signifikan ditingkatkan dengan penambahan RVV-aye udara-ke-udara dipandu rudal, Kh-29L/T/TYe, Kh-31A / P, Kh-59m udara-ke-darat rudal, dan KAB-500 dan KAB-1500 bom dipandu.Program Su-30MKI memiliki untuk pertama kalinya dalam sejarah Rusia memamerkan model baru untuk militer-kerjasama teknis menggabungkan semua jenis kerjasama jangka panjang yang saat ini dipraktekkan di dunia seperti:- Pengiriman konsinyasi pertama dari produk dalam versi awal (Su-30K),- Sendi R & D untuk menghasilkan versi upgrade (Su-30MKI),- Pemberian pelanggan lisensi untuk memproduksi dengan penggantian berikutnya buatan Rusia komponen dengan orang-orang asal luar negeri (pada Desember 2000, kontrak ditandatangani untuk menjual ke India lisensi untuk memproduksi 140 pesawat Su-30MKI dari kelompok pengiriman akhir),- Upgrade dari pesawat dari pengiriman pertama untuk status teknis dari kelompok pengiriman akhir,- Mendirikan pusat layanan purna jual gabungan teknis untuk pemeliharaan peralatan yang disediakan,- Menggunakan «berpijak ekspor» untuk memperluas ke pasar regional (pada tahun 2003, kontrak dibuat untuk suplai Su-30MKM pesawat ke Malaysia).Su-30MKKBiro Desain mulai bekerja untuk menghasilkan Su-30-berbasis dua-kursi pesawat tempur Su-30MKK ditunjuk untuk Angkatan Udara China pada tahun 1997, AI Knyshev telah ditunjuk kepala perancang proyek. Berdasarkan kontrak, Komsomolsk-on-Amur produksi tanaman (KnAAPO) bernama sebagai kontraktor umum. Biro Desain menghasilkan desain rinci pada tahun 1997-98; pesawat prototipe dibuat di Komsomolsk-on-Amur pada tahun 1998-99. Versi baru dari dua tempat duduk itu didasarkan untuk sebagian besar pada solusi desain yang diadopsi untuk Su-27SK dan kursi single fighter Su-27m. Akibatnya, Su-30MKK dimasukkan, untuk semua maksud dan tujuan tanpa desain ulang, bagian tengah sayap Su-27m itu, panel sayap, intake udara, balok ekor, sirip dan landing gear dan Su-27SK yang ekor-end pesawat rakitan . Dengan cara ini, ruang lingkup desain dikurangi secara dramatis, tanpa ada komponen baru yang diperlukan untuk membangun pesawat kecuali hidung. Selain itu, pabrik produksi telah mendapatkan pengalaman dalam mengatur produksi dari dua-kursi pelatih pada awal '80-an.Prototipe pertama dibangun pada musim semi tahun 1999, Su-30MKK-1 yang telah diambil dari tanah untuk penerbangan perdananya pada 20 Mei 1999 oleh pilot tes I.Ye. Solovyov (Biro Desain) dan A.V. Pulenko (KnAAPO). Empat pertama pra-produksi pesawat diserahkan ke Biro Desain untuk pengujian. Pengujian ini dilakukan bersama dengan SPFC dari Angkatan Udara di 1999-2001, dengan 10 pesawat pertama produksi Su-30MKK disampaikan kepada pelanggan pada Desember 2000.Su-30MKK desain menyoroti:- Pesawat upgrade fitur peralatan pembuatan Rusia, yang mencakup versi baru dari radar dengan penetapan target dan kemampuan pemetaan; OSTS dengan pencahayaan target menggunakan sinar laser, sebuah sistem GPS, dan multi-fungsi warna LCD di kokpit, dll ;- ADO line-up telah ditingkatkan dengan penambahan RVV-aye udara-ke-udara rudal dipandu; Kh-29L/T/TYe, Kh-31P, Kh-59m udara-ke-darat rudal, dan KAB-500 dan KAB-1500 bom dipandu. Su-30MKK telah digunakan sebagai platform untuk menghasilkan versi upgrade, Su-30MK2, yang berbeda dari versi induk di senjata dan peralatan konfigurasi sistem, pesawat jenis ini yang telah dipasok ke Cina pada tahun 2003. Selain itu, Su-30MK pesawat jenis disuplai ke Indonesia pada tahun 2003.

Aircraft performance
Takeoff weight:

     - normal (including rockets 2xR-27R1 + 2xR-73E, 5270 kg fuel), kg
     - maximum, kg
     - max, kg
Maximum landing weight, kg
Max landing weight, kg
Maximum internal fuel, kg
Normal internal fuel, kg
Maximum ordnance, kg
Service ceiling (without external ordnance and stores), km
Maximum flight speed at sea level (without external ordnance and stores), km/h
Max Mach (without external ordnance and stores)
2.00 (1.9**)
G-limit (operational)
Maximum flight range (with rockets 2xR-27R1, 2xR-73E launched at half distance):

     - at sea level, km
     - at height, km
     - with one refuelling (at 1.500 kg fuel remaining), km
     - with two refuellings in flight, km
Maximum airborne time (pilot-dependent), hours
Takeoff run at normal takeoff weight, m
Landing run at normal landing weight (with braking parachute), m
Aeroplane dimensions:

     - length, m
     - wingspan, m
     - height, m
In-flight refuelling system
Maximum flow rate (at entry pressure of 3.5 kg/cm 2), l/min
Number and type of engines
2 x AL-31F (2 x AL-31FP***)
Thrust in afterburner, kgf
12,500 -2 %
     1. Fire control system

          1.1. Air-to-air fire control system

               1.1.1. Search and track radar

               1.1.2. IRST and laser rangefinder

           Optical search and track station

           Helmet-mounted target designator

               1.1.3. Wide-angle HUD

               1.1.4. IFF system interrogator

          1.2. Air-to-surface fire control system

               1.2.1. Coloured multi-purpose LCD indicators

               1.2.2. Onboard digital computer

               1.2.3. GPS satellite-based navigation system

               1.2.4. Weapons control system

     2. Aeroplane remote control system

     3. IFF system transponder

     4. Antenna feed system

     5. Flight navigation system

          5.1. Digital computer

          5.2. Attitude and heading reference system

          5.3. Short-range radiotechnical navigation system

          5.4. GPS system

          5.5. Autopilot system

          5.6. Altitude and speed data processing and display system

          5.7. Air data system

     6. Electronic countermeasure equipment

          6.1. Radar warning receiver with an expansion block

          6.2. Chaff and heat flare dispenser

          6.3. Radio jamming transmitter (in pod)

     7. Communications system

          7.1. VHF and UHF band communications transceiver

          7.2. VHF and UHF band communications transceiver

          7.3. SW band radio communications transceiver

     8. Onboard automatic control system

          8.1. Integrated onboard control and crew warning system

          8.2. Flight information recording equipment

          8.3. Onboard emergency situation warning equipment

     9. Video recording system

          9.1. Onboard video recorder

          9.2. Forward vision video camera

          9.3. Video controller

     10. Aircraft responder

     11. Telecommand homing system

     12. Pod-type IRST and laser rangefinder

Aircraft limit:

     - SLL, hours
     - to first overhaul, hours
     - service life, years
Engine and outboard accessory-gearbox life:

     - to first overhaul, hours
     - service life limit, hours
*May vary depending on the equipment configuration installed upon customer's request 
**With canard surfaces installed
***With thrust vector control engine installed

1. Guns
Onboard 30mm gun with 150 rds
2. Guided air-to-air missiles
R-27R1(ER1) R-27T1(ET1) R-27P(EP) R-73E RVV-AYe
3. Guided air-to-surface missiles
Kh-59ME Kh-31A, Kh-31P Kh-29T(TYe), Kh-29L
4. Guided bomb units
KAB-500KR, KAB-500OD KAB-1500KR, KAB-1500L
5. Air bombs
FAB-500T BETAB-500ShP ODAB-500PM OFAB-250-270 OFAB-100-120 P-50T Incendiary bombs
6. Cluster bombs
7. Unguided missiles
S-8KOM, S-8OM, S-8BM S-13T, S-13OF S-25OFM-PU
8. External fuel tanks
9. Suspension points

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